Wednesday, 8 November 2017

How to charge a laptop battery

                                                How to  charge  a laptop battery

         A lot of people dont know how to charge a laptop battery ,but the battery does a lot of damage and even other faults. Learn how to charge the battery ,and your laptop battery life will be extended.
         You must charge your laptop battery to keep it operational. You charge your laptop battery by plugging the laptop into a wall socket. You can recharge your battery whether the battery is fully drained or not.
        Note that lithium-ion batteries have a rapid-charging option. This option is available either on a custom tab inside the Power Options dialog box or through special battery software that came with your laptop. In a pinch, a rapid charge can save time. Otherwise, you want a nice, full, slow charge for your laptop battery. Other battery-charging points are as follows:
(1)You can recharge your laptop battery whether the battery is fully drained or not.
(2)Especially if your laptop is using a lithium-ion battery, it makes no difference.
(3)Lithium-ion batteries have a rapid-charging option. This option is available either on         a custom tab inside the Power Options dialog box or from special battery software           that came with
(4)your laptop. In a pinch, a rapid charge can save time. Otherwise, you want a nice,           full, slow charge for your laptop battery.
(5)Leave your laptop plugged into the wall socket whenever possible.
(6)There’s no need to fully drain your laptop’s lithium-ion battery every time you use             it.
(7)The battery continues to charge even when the laptop is turned off.
(8)It doesn’t take longer to recharge the battery if you use the laptop while recharging.
(9)Never short a battery to fully drain it. By short, I mean that you connect the two              terminals (positive and negative) directly so that the battery simply drains. This is a          very bad, stupid thing to do. It can cause a fire. Don’t do it.
       Thats especially important,If your laptop battery doesnt work properly,youll have to buy a new one.As far as I konw , is a relatively good quality battery mall ,you can go and see.

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